
i-Vresse workflow builder form React component

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This package contains an enhanced version of the React JSON schema form component with Bootstrap 4 theme.

It adds the following:

  • collapsible field
  • table field
  • bug fixes for checkbox widget and description field
  • support for molecule formats (moleculefilepaths, chain, residue) in JSON schema
  • index column for array types

See /docs/uiSchema.md how to configure the form.

Part of i-VRESSE/workflow-builder monorepo.


npm install @i-vresse/wb-form


In a React application

import { useState } from "react";
import { Form } from "@i-vresse/wb-form";

// JSON schema draft-07
const schema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
group1: {
type: "object",
properties: {
prop1: {
type: "string",

const uiSchema = {
group1: {
"ui:field": "collapsible",

export const Page = () => {
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({});
return (
onSubmit={({ formData }) => setFormData(formData)}
<pre>{JSON.stringify(formData, undefined, 4)}</pre>

API documentation

API documentation of main branch is at https://i-vresse.github.io/workflow-builder/form/docs/.

The API documentation can be generated with

yarn apidocs

Will generate a docs/index.html.

The API docs exclude React components, the docs for the React components can be seen at https://i-vresse.github.io/workflow-builder/form/storybook-static/

Or generated locally with

yarn storybook

Which starts a storybook server on http://localhost:6007

Generated using TypeDoc